Is This All There Is?...

Monday, August 22, 2005

What is it with this guy?

I'll admit it. I'm one of those crazy ladies that have DECORATIVE, or DO NOT USE towels (did you hear that Big J?!!) I have told him! Does he not hear me?! Maybe I should post a HUGE sign above the towels to remind him everyday. I love chili peppers. I have search high and low for chili pepper kitchen items, ie, the kitchen towels! I finally found a set in Dallas. Beautiful. I hung them on the oven door, folded nice and neat, and they screech DO NOT USE ME OR THE LADY OF THE HOUSE WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD SEARVED ON A PLATTER!! Also, to lessen his temptation I have ( as usual) a nice flour sack kitchen towel with nice embroidered picture of a woman slaving in the kitchen (ok, she isn't slaving, she looks more like the June Cleaver type, you know where you slave all day at home and never break a sweat, then Ward comes home and you say NO PROBLEM DEAR, HERE USE MY BEST TOWELS TO WIPE THE LIPSTICK OFF YOUR CHEEK DEAR!). Do you think that possibly he could use that towel that is old and worn and does have June Cleaver screeching "Use me dear". NO!!! He, I guess because he is a male insist on using my beautiful chili pepper towels! *excuse me while I scream*
Then there is the kids bathroom. Because the kids are grown and gone, the only child here is A and he would not and can not grab a towel when he gets out of the tub, mostly because his routine is 1. take a bath. 2. through as many toys into the tub as will possibly fit. 3. let me lay in the tub until I am a shriveled up prune. 4. When I am done I will announce to you by standing up in the tub and banging my head on the tiled bath tub wall. (this is his routine, you can not stop him, I have stood right with him with the towel ready to wrap him up and remove him from the tub, but still because of his compulsiveness he has to bang his head, part of bathing routine. and yes, there is a crack in the tile from his head. Thank goodness he has a hard head. Oh yeah, he's laughing the whole time too). In the bathroom closet is a STACK of bath towels. One day I asked dear ole hubby will you please go to the kids bathroom and LOOK IN THE CLOSET! and bring me a towel (I should have done it myself, I know, but I was sopping wet!). Now do you think dear ole hubby looked in the closet like I asked? NO!!! He grabbed one of my Laura Ashley towels off the rack! What am I going to do with that guy!!??
I guess I'll have to make him write 100 sentences "I will not use Pam's beautiful towels". Forget that 1,000 sentences and it may sink into his head! It's a good thing I really love this guy, and I kinda like him too! Ha

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Life with children

I was reading she was commenting on life (or maybe it's really no life during soccer season, ha) as a soccer mom. haha reminds me of when 4 of my kids where in sports. All 4 played in the same town but at different locations based on their age. Softball, baseball, soccer, and football, every season was the same. One child dropped off at this school then the next at another school, then one at a field and the 4th usually would be in the same vicinity of one of the other 3. Oh my God! Talk about a nightmare! Many, Many times 2 or 3 of them would need to be at 3 different places at the same time. You drop the oldest off a little early, then next age in line gets dropped off next, and so on. Now, I'm one of those mom's who has to see ALL of my kids play! So imagine the fun I had...10 min. at this game (and practices were the same) 15 min at this game, jump in the car and hurry to the next child. Man! during softball and baseball I did try to plan it all so I would be at whatever field that I needed to be according to which child MAY be up next to bat, pitch, whatever. Looking back (my dad always called me Superman) I wonder how I did it!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Amazing Human Race

I continue to be inspired by the generosity of the human race. posted: "Sarah in Chicago let on that (1) she's homesick for New Zealand; (2) she hasn't been home in 4 years; (3) her sister's getting married next month; (4) she can't afford a plane ticket". Amazing people came through and Sarah will be in New Zealand next month.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


I have so much to do I don't know where to start, so I thought I'd play on the computer awhile. A (he's my 15 yr old son, I'll write about him in a min.) keeps turning off the monitor. He demands my constant attention, unless he has something else he wants to do. He's so funny. I bought him a new Barney tape, I just gave it to him, that should keep him busy for about 2.5 minutes. Yep, here he comes already, haha he will try to divert my attention (send me to the kitchen for chocolate milk or some pudding) then he will reach up here and turn the monitor off again. haha

A has muscular dystrophy, he is deaf, and he is mentally challenged. He is 15 but mentally is about 3 or so. He is at times extremely smart. When I hurt my toe last month he seen I had it bandaged up, so when he got mad at me he reached around my body and hit my toe, twice!! Sometimes I think that child is TOO smart! He is almost as tall as I am, and strong! He can't communicate very well so look out if you can't figure out what he is trying to tell you he wants. He then attempts to hit you or toss something over his head, which wouldn't be so bad except it is usually his cup of chocolate milk he tosses. You can imagine the mess. Mostly A is a happy child, smiling and laughing a lot. He likes to knock things to the floor and then laughs and laughs. It does create a lot of work for me though.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

I thought today was my day off?

Today is my day off. It sure didn't feel like it. As a 2nd job, really I just call it my fun job, I help women de-stress and relax with in home spa products and treatments. A party for you inner soul you could say. Someone called me to schedule a spa, I told her my day off was Thursday we could do it then (this was Wednesday when she called). Great! A spa was booked. This morning I load all my stuff into my truck and she called to confirm I was coming. Heck yeah, I was coming, I love this stuff! She then told me she wanted to not have a spa party but she wanted today to consist of facials, skin care, make-up, and such. My stomach knotted up at this point because I'm fairly new to the business and I worried I would screw up.
I unloaded the spa stuff I had loaded and reloaded with extra skin care, making sure I had plenty of micro derm abrasion (because that's what they wanted the most). I even called my director while I was driving to the spa/facial session so she could reassure me that I would be fine. We had a blast. So much fun. And I made some money too. I had been so worried I would screw this up my stomach was in knots! Where is the Valuim when you need it?! But alas, all turned out well. I used my flip cards to help me with the sequence of what to do next, and I actually appeared to know what I was doing. I worried for nothing! I think I'll do that again, and again, and...

check me out

That was the fun part of my day off, then I had to go to Big J's shop and take care of all the jobs that no one else seems to know how to do. You see, when the shop opened in Jan. Of 2004, the guys were going to "Run" the shop (yeah, they ran it into the ground, haha) No Way were they going to have a girl telling them how to do their job! So now that the shop is in horrible shape, like the books, you know the kind of books that dept of revenue likes to look at when you don't open your mail and they have repeatedly asked for certain information, and phones won't work properly and their internet is screwed up and on and on, NOW they are ready for me to come in and FIX IT!! I should tell them to shove it, but this is my lively-hood also, and I'm a glutton for punishment anyway, so I get to spend the rest of my day off working. Sometimes life is a bitch.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I hate to wear shoes!

Being back at work...What a drag. Hot, humid, those wonderful dogs. Speaking of dogs I love it when people tell me "Oh, he won't bite!". Look, lady, your dog doesn't bite you, that doesn't mean he won't bite ME! I have scars to prove it. Especially the little ones, they have ATTITUDES! So, I've been back at work 2 whole days now. yippie! I really need to win that powerball. Hell, I'd even share. ha

Here's the story of my time off work. On July 10, I thought I would change my tire (I am woman I can do anything). Both my son and Big J told me they would change it, but NO I had to prove I AM WOMAN! I drive a Toyota Tacoma pre runner, the spare is under the truck. I lower the tire and attempt to slide it out from under the truck, WITHOUT SHOES! The tire jams my big toenail, causing it to split down the middle, then proceeds to take the left half of my toenail way beyond the quick and doctor says pass the nerves, and lay it on top of my toe. Now keep in mind the other half is still embedded in my toe. Now good old common sense ( or stupidity) told me to stick that sucker back into my toe. Hah! That will take care of that! Not! The pain was so immense I never cried (at least not until the ER which I'll tell you in a moment) I totally believe I was in shock. My whole body felt outside of itself, I kept telling myself "do not pass out" (I was home alone). I knew enough to sit down and I stuck a bag of ice on my head trying to stop this horrible sickening feeling. After 20 -30 min, I call dear old hubby, of course he leaves work, comes home, says he's taking me to the ER. I of course let him know "NO way was I going, I put my toenail back!" He looked at my toe and said "You're going". So we went.

The ER was great, got me right in. Great until they said "We have to remove your toenail"! I said "NO! I put it back! and besides My toenails are my best asset!" This is when I started to cry. I must have seemed pretty hysterical because the doctor asked if I wanted something to calm down. The doctor won. Shot me up with some numbing stuff, the left side of the toenail came out easy, the right side said "no deal, I belong here and I'm staying", so she pulled and pulled and pulled. You should have heard her! She said "Look! Your toenail is out! Isn't that awesome! Look at your toe without the nail!" OMG! Only a doctor could have an orgasm over a nailbed! She was very nice though. And best of all I got lots of pain pills. Have you ever noticed though, you can not get any kind of "high" when taking pain pills if you really need them. I needed them bad.

It's is a good thing I went. I did require stitches, and time off work. My toe is better, but ugly. I keep a bandaid on it so no one can see it. I did look at my toenail last Wednesday night, my husband found me on the floor knocked out cold. He said I was unresponsive. What had happened...I looked at my toenail, or should I say lack of toenail, and passed out. I do that. I had stitches at age 14 on my throat and when I pulled the bandage off I passed out at the sight of it. The doctors advice to me "If you are going to look at your toenail, sit down." Well duh!!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Back to work I go...

I've been off work since July 10, due to an injury. Life has been qreat. No walking in the 100 degree weather, no dogs barking and trying to bite me, life has been good. But alas, hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go. Why can't I win the Powerball. haha

Sunday, August 07, 2005

time to sew

I just bought an embroidery machine! I'm so excited. I don't even sew, haha. But wait I'm gonna start, yeah, I'm gonna start as soon as I get off work, no...after my spa parties, no wait, after working at Big J's shop, no...damn, I'll find sometime to learn. I hope.


Last night we went to eat and my daughter, her husband, and 5 children joined us. I enjoy my grandkids immensely. A good time was had by all. I especially enjoyed the twins starting to cry at the same time (they are 8 months old). Just me and Big J was at the table at that time. I don't know how my daughter does it. I was holding 1 little guy when the other started crying. I wanted to get him so I could hold them both. I finally had to give little Cayden to grandpa cause I wasn't able to get Camden out of his seat while holding Cayden. What a trip! How does she do it!

She makes it look so easy.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Birthdays, Bah Humbug!

Big J (my husband) had all the guys from the shop call me today to tell me happy birthday. Now you would think a guy like that was really tuned into "what a girl wants". NOT!! He made a big deal out of having to buy me a present (probably because I puckered out my bottom lip as if pouting, ok, so does that mean I got what I deserved?). He leaves the shop, comes back with a gift, then tosses it on the desk and says "There". He then starts to walk into the other room giving me a hateful look. What is it with him? He is totally hateful when it comes to buying me Christmas or birthday presents. When we first started dating he dazzled me with jewelry all the time for no special reason, now he's hateful about it. His son told me he has always been that way about holidays, not really caring about them. Am I just making too much of this?

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Beige. I think I'll paint the ceiling beige.

Where did today go? Going to work, getting truck tags for my dear old dad, taking my daughter to a jewelry party, picking up my dog, it's a day. Time flies as they say, but wait, that's when you're having fun time flies. I did have fun today didn't I? The best part of the day was taking my daughter to the party. She has 5 boys and is only 28. Boys 13, 10, 2 and twins 8 months. Did I mention she is pregnant AGAIN!! Poor girl. We had a great time tonight, so much so we booked a party together for the end of the month. I love to shop and would have preferred to have it sooner but we needed a Monday and that was the only Monday I had available. Mel needed a night out. I loved watching her face when she saw what I had bought 2 weeks ago from a previous party. Having that many kids she doesn't get to shop for herself much.

Pregnant again...I told her husband he better enjoy this time with her cause after this baby I'm cutting him off!! He tried blaming her but I reminded him for her to get in that condition we know he was having a good time. Her, we aren't so sure about, she could have been lying there thinking "Beige. I think I'll paint the ceiling beige..."

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Another day in la la land

My first blog. I wondered if I really wanted to do this, debated with myself, then thought "yeah, why not". So here I am. Not sure what I'll blog about, probably day to day things. Goes right along with 'Is this all there is?'. My life is chaotic at times to say the least, boring at other times, normal (ha is there such a thing as normal?) a place to put my thoughts down, and see where this goes. I enjoy reading a few other blogs which is why I'm here. I seem to stay extremely busy which is not to say I get anything done, mostly unorganized as hell.
I'm a mother of 5, stepmom of 1, grandma of 7. I'm only 44 which means my daughter who has 5 of my grandsons started way to early. I had a hard time calling myself 'grandma' when Ty was born, I was only 30. Now I'm so glad he's here. Ty is 1 yr younger then my youngest son. Talk about a trip!! It's ok now, but took me along time to get there.
I'll write more later, hopefully telling entertaining stories and everyday life things. I'm hoping this turns into a fun way to express my thoughts, and yes I'm tired of saying "Is this all there is?"

I'm done now.