Is This All There Is?...

Monday, September 05, 2005

Muscular Dystrophy

I'm watching the Muscular Dystrophy Telethon. And, yeah, I'm upset. Someone please tell me "WHY DO PARENTS WHO HAVE A CHILD WITH A DEBILITATING DISEASE CHOOSE TO HAVE ANOTHER CHILD, KNOWING!! THE NEXT CHILD CAN HAVE THE SAME THING?!!!" I don't understand.

I have a child who is 15, and I watch him mostly laugh, but I also watch him in pain, cry, frustrated, seizure (and stop breathing when he seizures), love to walk but mostly fall down, can not breath easily, I could go on and on. Why would any parent by choice choose to impose something as unpleasant to a child as a neuromuscular disease?? Don't give me that crap "Well this child might not get it" duh, why gamble?

Later in the show they will show a lady who has mitochondrial myopathy, which is what my son has, and get this, she has lost I think 3 CHILDREN TO THIS SAME DISEASE! Now HELLO, what is wrong with her, I'm sorry, I feel she is very selfish, actually beyond selfish. I watch my son suffer, let me tell you, I personally would never wish this horrible disease on anyone, but especially a child. It tears your heart out. I guess I'm done now, but man, people get a grip, these little children do not ask for this (I understand no one asks for this) but for a parent to gamble with the life of a little baby, after they already see the suffering of their own child, makes me want to SCREAM!! If anyone wants to comment to help me understand, please by all means do. I don't want to have this dislike towards these parents. But sorry, I think, never mind, I can't tell you what I would like to do with these selfish, heartless parents.

ok, now I'm done


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