Life with children
I was reading she was commenting on life (or maybe it's really no life during soccer season, ha) as a soccer mom. haha reminds me of when 4 of my kids where in sports. All 4 played in the same town but at different locations based on their age. Softball, baseball, soccer, and football, every season was the same. One child dropped off at this school then the next at another school, then one at a field and the 4th usually would be in the same vicinity of one of the other 3. Oh my God! Talk about a nightmare! Many, Many times 2 or 3 of them would need to be at 3 different places at the same time. You drop the oldest off a little early, then next age in line gets dropped off next, and so on. Now, I'm one of those mom's who has to see ALL of my kids play! So imagine the fun I had...10 min. at this game (and practices were the same) 15 min at this game, jump in the car and hurry to the next child. Man! during softball and baseball I did try to plan it all so I would be at whatever field that I needed to be according to which child MAY be up next to bat, pitch, whatever. Looking back (my dad always called me Superman) I wonder how I did it!
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