Letting Go
I just read a beautiful, moving story, written by someone who was a caregiver of an elderly woman who passed. You should read it. It made me think of both of my grandmas, then how it could be anyone's story, someone trapped inside their body, trying...wishing...praying...wanting to communicate with their loved one to no avail. It's called "Last Waltz". www.whyamiincollege.blogspot.com
I do believe that sometimes one becomes 'caught' in their body, wanting to get better, and perhaps knowing it's time to go, mostly to stop the pain of others. My grandpa held on, I believe, waiting for my dad to get to the hospital. Grandpa perked up when my dad finally got there, we all thought he was pulling through, but then after seeing my dad he died. Maybe he knew my dad would have a terrible time living with himself if he hadn't made it to the hospital (my dad had been gone for a couple of weeks and we couldn't find him).
Grandma E was "out of it" maybe like a coma. When she felt herself going she "came to" and started telling me Ma, Ma, Ma, Ma. She wanted my mom. My mom came in the room, grandma left.
Grandma J was dying slowly. Barely breathing. Hospice would tell us it's time (for her to go) then she would pull out of it. Her oldest son was on his way from Ca. I believe she was trying to hold on for him. She didn't make it.
The above mentioned "Last Waltz" brought back these memories. It could have been written for any of us.
I do believe that sometimes one becomes 'caught' in their body, wanting to get better, and perhaps knowing it's time to go, mostly to stop the pain of others. My grandpa held on, I believe, waiting for my dad to get to the hospital. Grandpa perked up when my dad finally got there, we all thought he was pulling through, but then after seeing my dad he died. Maybe he knew my dad would have a terrible time living with himself if he hadn't made it to the hospital (my dad had been gone for a couple of weeks and we couldn't find him).
Grandma E was "out of it" maybe like a coma. When she felt herself going she "came to" and started telling me Ma, Ma, Ma, Ma. She wanted my mom. My mom came in the room, grandma left.
Grandma J was dying slowly. Barely breathing. Hospice would tell us it's time (for her to go) then she would pull out of it. Her oldest son was on his way from Ca. I believe she was trying to hold on for him. She didn't make it.
The above mentioned "Last Waltz" brought back these memories. It could have been written for any of us.
At 12 October, 2005,
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At 12 October, 2005,
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