Is This All There Is?...

Friday, September 30, 2005

I need a break

I haven't posted for 3 weeks. What's up with that? I have a lot to say, but haven't taken the time to post. Let's see, my grandma passed away, my husband went to New Orleans for 2 1/2 weeks, I've slept on an average 45 min. a night since he left, son number 2 has been sick and the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong, my ex-husband informed me he could get about $700 a month child support and was going to call his lawyer to see if he could make it happen, and I am back to I don't care if I get fired! Man, what a load. There is so much to talk about I don't know where to start. One great thing about today is son number 3 is in a play tonight and son number 2 flew in from Duke University to attend the play! The boys wanted to surprise me tonight but I was talking on the phone to son number 3 and I heard son number 2 talking in the background. I'm sorry I ruined their surprise but I can hardly wait to get to the play to see him! So for now I'm going to close and I'll talk about the past three weeks later. I need to go see my boys!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

My list of 7 things about me

7 things I plan to do before I die

1) Open a home for special kids/adults where their parents will never have to worry if something were to happen to them (parents) they will know their children (even as adults) will have a special home just for them. Where the special kids/adults run the show.
2) Become an interpreter for the hard of hearing.
3) Retire!
4) Skydive
5) Clean my house! ha
6) Learn to embroidery on my new sewing machine. Ok, at least learn how to sew.
7) Learn to help sexually abused children.
8) I know, but I thought of something else...quit smoking.

7 things I can do

1) Rattle on in this blog.
2) Dance.
3) Put myself in others shoes. Empathy.
4) Make my husband feel special.
5) Juggle several projects at the same time.
6) Give to others.
7) Delegate.

7 things I cannot do

1) Have patience.
2) Get beyond PMS (putting up with mens shit)
3) Run a daycare.
4) Cook.
5) Drive the speed limit.
6) Make myself learn to love cleaning.
7) Use my new embroidery machine.

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex

1) Sense of humor.
2) Tall, dark, and handsome.
3) Show me lots of attention.
4) If they can dance.
5) If they can sing, especially to me.
6) Good with kids.
7) A strong work ethic, definitely not lazy.

7 things I say most often
1) Fuck that.
2) Do I have too?
3) Son of a bitch
4) Awesome.
5) If I don't want to listen to you anymore, I put my hand up as in a stop sign. Sometimes saying nothing is better than saying something.
6) When in doubt, don't.
7) Good morning this morning, this morning good morning, how are you this fine lovely morning?

7 celebrity crushes

1) John Travolta
2) Vin Diesel
3) Keanu Reeves
4) Al Pacino
5) Dustin Hoffman
6) Angelina Jolie
7) Eminem

7 people I want to do this: Melissa, Jen, Iris, Kelly, Greg, Jeff, Cindy

If that is your first name then go ahead and do it. says so!

Friday, September 09, 2005


Good morning! I think...ha Nah, it actually is an ok morning. Did I ever mention Big J works for the local utility company as a lineman? No. Ok. I'm mentioning it. Anyway, when Katrina struck and devastated the south, the company sent I believe 7 crews of 4 men each (est). Those guys got there at the worst of it (I know a lot of the residents suffered so this is not to take away from them) but the crews went 24 hrs with no sleep and no food the first day they arrived. This is highly unusual so I can only imagine what the residents have and are going through. So, the first crews sent will have been there 2 weeks when these new crews arrive. They'll stay two weeks, then the company will switch those guys out, and so on. Big J first arrives at work this morning at 7, gets all kinds of shots, then they will go by bus. The bus will then bring back the first group. Usually they drive their own trucks, guess with the price of gas someone in the company actually had a great idea...Leave the trucks, change the crews. This too is unusual. haha the company usually has bright ideas that suck! haha

I'm kinda happy he's going, gives us a break from each other, but I don't like him leaving for 2 weeks. That's just too damn long. Oh wait! What could I do with this alone time?! Be able to fall asleep reading with the light on. Sleep in maybe, fall asleep with a movie playing in his PS2 and not have to hear him say "Where's my (whatever he happens to be playing at the time) game?! No cooking dinner! No, wait, I don't cook anyway! hhhmmmm 2 weeks huh? I think it might be alright.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Get off this computer and go to work!

Here I am sitting at the computer, wanting to blog, read blogs, and surf. Geez, I have to be at work in 45 min. It's a 30 min. drive. Think I'll make it? I wish Big J would give me his radar detector! He doesn't speed, so he doesn't need it, me I hate going to work. I'd rather play all day. I have to steal his detector! I wonder if he would even notice?...
That's ok I do 90 miles an hour pretty good. just kidding. well sort of...

Update, next morning...While traveling to work yesterday, (see the above post) I take a highway that is fairly car free, I'm traveling about 80, speed limit is 70, so hey thats not too bad. oh but wait. A State Trooper is headed east on the highway (I'm headed west) his lights come on, I think shit, he got me. Like a good girl I put my seat belt on while I'm hitting the breaks and set my cruise on 70. The State Trooper can't get turn around to come get me! He hit the breaks (I noticed only because he almost stopped right there when he hit his lights) but there was no way to get turned around for about two miles! I thanked God for giving me the warning to slow down, did the speed limit, felt extremely lucky ( I have a couple of tickets already) Sometime I'll tell you how many times I have been stopped because they thought I was drunk. I wasn't so they do let me go.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Muscular Dystrophy

I'm watching the Muscular Dystrophy Telethon. And, yeah, I'm upset. Someone please tell me "WHY DO PARENTS WHO HAVE A CHILD WITH A DEBILITATING DISEASE CHOOSE TO HAVE ANOTHER CHILD, KNOWING!! THE NEXT CHILD CAN HAVE THE SAME THING?!!!" I don't understand.

I have a child who is 15, and I watch him mostly laugh, but I also watch him in pain, cry, frustrated, seizure (and stop breathing when he seizures), love to walk but mostly fall down, can not breath easily, I could go on and on. Why would any parent by choice choose to impose something as unpleasant to a child as a neuromuscular disease?? Don't give me that crap "Well this child might not get it" duh, why gamble?

Later in the show they will show a lady who has mitochondrial myopathy, which is what my son has, and get this, she has lost I think 3 CHILDREN TO THIS SAME DISEASE! Now HELLO, what is wrong with her, I'm sorry, I feel she is very selfish, actually beyond selfish. I watch my son suffer, let me tell you, I personally would never wish this horrible disease on anyone, but especially a child. It tears your heart out. I guess I'm done now, but man, people get a grip, these little children do not ask for this (I understand no one asks for this) but for a parent to gamble with the life of a little baby, after they already see the suffering of their own child, makes me want to SCREAM!! If anyone wants to comment to help me understand, please by all means do. I don't want to have this dislike towards these parents. But sorry, I think, never mind, I can't tell you what I would like to do with these selfish, heartless parents.

ok, now I'm done

Friday, September 02, 2005

Beyond Bitch

My husband recently told me the world does not revolve around me! I'm devastated! hehe Also, when he tells me I'm spoiled I ask him "What is wrong with that?" hehe Ok, I am a little spoiled but hey I also have a heart the size of Texas and will give to others before I take for myself. You see I have learned, when your husband or boyfriend wants to say something (they think) is mean, or when you are arguing you are called a name or he says something hateful, just say to him "That's right!" or if you are called a bitch say to him "Thank you, I am striving for beyond bitch, when I get there let me know I will then have reached my goal!" It's ok ladies, he's just trying to get your goat. Don't let him. Play along. It will drive him insane!